نتایجی در مورد خاصیت آرتینی مدول های کوهمولوژی موضعی در نقطه ارتفاع یک ایده آل
Subject Areas : Algebra
MirYousef Sadeghi
Khadijeh Ahmadi Amoli
Maryam Chaghamirza
1 - Department of Mathematics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Mathematics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Mathematics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Local cohomology modules, Artinian modules, Local rings, Cohen-Macaulay rings, Analytically irreducible rings.,
Abstract :
Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring, a be a non-zero ideal of R, and M be a finitely generated R-module. We first show that, if IM≠M and MinAss_R (M/IM)⊆Min(I)\Max(R), then Supp_R H_I^(ht_M I) (M)⊈Max(R), and so the R-module H_I^(ht_M I) (M) is not Artinian. As a consequence, if Min(I)\Max(R)≠∅, then the R-module H_I^(htI) (R) is not Artinian, considering M:=R. Later, we give some results on Artinianness of the R-module H_I^(dimR-1) (R), when R is a local ring. Throughout this article, $R$ denotes a commutative Noetherian ring with non-zero identity, $\fa$ denotes a proper non-zero ideal of $R$, and $M$ denotes a finitely generated $R$-module. By $\mathbb{N}_{0}$, we mean the set of non-negative integers. Moreover, we use $\Min(\fa)$ (resp. $\Max(R)$) to denote the set of minimal prime ideals of $\fa$ (resp. the set of maximal ideals of $R$). The $i$-th local cohomology module of $M$ is defined by $$H_{\mathfrak{a}}^{i}(M):= \displaystyle\lim_ {\overrightarrow{n\in \mathbb{N}}}\mathrm{Ext}_{R}^{i} \left( {R}/{\mathfrak{a}^{n}},M\right).$$
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