Codification of The Conceptual Framework of River Valleys' Physical Resilience (Case Study: "Kan" River Valley, Tehran)
Subject Areas : Urban Design
Pantea Alipour kouhi
Saeede Alikaei
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Keywords: Physical Resiliency, River Valley, Conceptual Framework, Kan River, Design Strategies,
Abstract :
The Urban River Valleys are not only the interface between the city and nature, but they are also essential spatial places that carry urban context, local life, and other environmental characteristics. As a result, the design of urban river Valleys is one of the most important strategies for promoting urban ecological systems, protecting socio-economic benefits, and increasing aesthetic values. This paper proposes the resilience concept to address the problem of natural hazards at the River Valleys while maintaining the environment's qualities. For this purpose, the focus is on applying the physical dimension of resiliency for presenting design qualities and indicators by studying the expected roles and qualities of urban rivers and the concept of resiliency. So at first, the Resilient Urban River Valleys Conceptual Framework has been codified, and dimensions, Components, and criteria of resilient River Valley design are proposed. In the next step, This Conceptual Framework is used to examine the quality of Tehran's Kan River Valley s Public Space using a SWOT matrix and develop design goals and strategies. Finally, this study stands on the notion that a place's resilience not only embraces formulating an immediate response to crises such as floods but also considers long-term mitigation and adaptation strategies and environmental qualities to face environmental challenges. In this perspective, reconnecting the community with the river through creating a favorable public space and using the natural potential of the rivers to confront the hazards is necessary.
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