The use of organizational capabilities to increase customer value (case study: marketing managers and experts of Sepah bank)
Subject Areas : Public Policy In Administration
Hosein Vazifehdoust
Maryam Abdoli
1 - Assistant professor, Department of Business Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Young Researchers and Elite Clubs, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran (corresponding)
Keywords: knowledge management, Market orientation, customer relationship
, manage, customer value creation, structural equation modeling,
Abstract :
The importance of the customer's role in the management of a firm has been increasing for the last twenty years. A firm's organizational capabilities, both internally and externally oriented, are essential for increasing customer value creation .Accordingly, the aim of this study is to investigate the effect of organizational capabilities (knowledge management, market orientation and customer relationship management) to create value for customers in the banking industry. This study used a descriptive-survey research design based on the correlation method. The selected populations were managers and marketing experts of Sepah Bank branches in Tabriz city and customer information was collected by using researcher-made questionnaire. The reliability of all variables are accepted. To test the model, the least squares method and PLS-Graph software were used. The results showed that knowledge management has positive impact on marketing; customer relationship management as well as market orientation, customer relationship management and knowledge management have positive impact on customer value creation. Based on research results it can be concluded that addressing this era of knowledge-based marketing is a necessity and using it is considered as one of the main competitive advantages of businesses.
بوربورجعفری، مریم (1391)، بررسی روابط متقابل کارآفرینی، بازارگرایی و یادگیریگرایی و نقش این عوامل برروی نوآوری و ارزش مشتری، دومین کنفرانس دانشجویی کارآفرینی کشور .
افرازه، ع.، فتحیان، م و موسویراد، س.ح، (1390)، نقش مدیریت دانش در فرایندهای مدیریت دانش.
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