Designing ethic model with Consider to the tasks of public managers with Fuzzy Expert System Approach
Subject Areas : Public Policy In Administrationdavoud haghkhah 1 , مرتضی موسی خانی 2 , غلام رضا معمار زاده 3
1 - هیئت علمی
2 - هیئت علمی
3 - هیئت علمی
Keywords: "morality public administration", " competitive values":"ethics schools", " composition-oriented ethics",
Abstract :
context: normative ethics-oriented in recent years has been of interest to management scholars. In this paper we identify moral dimensions of public administration schools hybrid model for the use of behavior public managers is provided .Objective: To explain the identification of the schools hybrid model ethics ethics in public organizations is in line with management tasks.Methods: This study has been conducted applied research and research combined. In order to determine the model of society of 10 academic experts and Successful organizational executive with cluster sampling of 130 top managers of Khorasan Razavi province were studied. Model interview questionnaire was used for preliminary recognition.Results: According to the findings of the study indicate that managers in public organizations according to four normative ethical dimension can their duties at a glance combined with a focus on task-oriented approach will be effective.Conclusion: This study shows that government managers Organizers of an optimum combination for use in organizations with a focus on virtue ethics in their organizations in Iran. In addition, by changing the composition of the ethical responsibilities of managers Managers are moral priorities change