The Religious Politics of Khwarazm-Shahs
Subject Areas : The Journal of Islamic History and Civilisation
1 - ندارد
Keywords: Khwarazm, Khwarazm-Shahs, Abbasids, Mu‘tazilites, Alawids,
Abstract :
Khwarazm-Shahs (491-618 A.H.) who were of Turkish origin,established a state in Khwarazm during Seljuk's declination andfragmentation. This dynasty, regarding their adoption of a theologicaland religious policy to protect Shiites and Mu‘tazilites, created ahistorical opportunity and an appropriate background for thedevelopment of their doctrines in Khwarazm, and particularly theirinfiltration of Khwarazm -Shahs’ power system, administrativepositions and chancellor establishments. Examining Khwarazm -Shahs’ political intentions, this article is to recognize the role of thekings of this dynasty in creating necessary backgrounds for thedevelopment of intellectual courses, and also their special attention toMu‘tazilits’ beliefs and their protection of Shiites and Alawids againstAbbasids. (F.S.)