Evaluation and compilation of the energy consumption attributes in the office buildings
Subject Areas :
Mehrdad Mahmoudian
Sajad Sadi
1 - Department of Engineering and Technology, Apadana Institute of Higher Education, Shiraz, Iran
2 - Instructor/Imam Hossein University
Keywords: Attributes, Energy sustainability, Energy optimization, Energy consumption classification ,
Abstract :
Most of the energy consumed in the building is consumed during the operation of the building. If you save on this part of the building energy, you can have a great impact on energy consumption. One way to control energy consumption in buildings is to use building energy labels. In order to provide an energy label, it must be possible to identify the factors affecting the energy consumption of the building. Introducing and studying energy-related indicators is one of the appropriate methods for managing energy consumption. With the help of these indicators, energy consumption can be managed and optimized. In this paper, by examining the main sectors of energy consumption in the buildings using the hierarchical analysis method (in order to label and optimize the energy consumption of office buildings), effective Attributes have been identified and introduced. The systematic search focuses on a variety of sources, including documents, databases, conferences, and various journals. First, search terms are selected. After the findings of library studies, field studies are conducted. This data can be described as experimental or new data. In the present study, two questionnaires were used to conduct field studies and obtain the required information. Improving energy consumption and reducing environmental pollution are key to sustainable energy. As the major consumer of energy, the building sector accounts for more than 40% of total energy consumption. One of the most important consumers of energy are office buildings, which include applications such as air conditioning, heating, cooling, hot water and various equipment. In this research, office buildings have been divided into different sections with the help of previous studies, and then in each section, the relevant Attributes have been extracted from the literature review. A total of 62 indices were extracted in 12 different sections. .
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