Flood Potential Evaluation of the Meandering Karkheh River Reach Using the Local Flood Hazard Index
Subject Areas : Water and river engineering
َAli Liaghat
Reza Afshinsharifan
1 - عضو هیات علمی تمام وقت
2 - Assistance of PROF. Islamic Azad University of Shiraz, college of Agriculture
Keywords: River, flood, LFH index, meander,
Abstract :
Introduction: Meanders are one of the important geomorphological-hydrological forms, and in terms of the spatial displacements they carry out in the limits of the flood plains, they change the morphological dimensions of the river bed and flood plains. Due to their high dynamics, these phenomena also cause major issues and problems in the boundaries of formation. Often, the presence of meanders shows the potential of the river for the occurrence of maximum discharges. In this research, areas with high flood potential in the meandering path of the Karkheh River have been identified using the local flood risk index (LFH). Materials and Methods: In this study, using the LFH index, the flood potential of the meandering paths of Karkheh River was evaluated. LFH is an index that is used to evaluate the potential of flood risk along the meandering path of the river. This index is computed using coefficients and morphological parameters of the catchment (roughness of the basin, drains density, roughness coefficient, elongation coefficient, etc. ) and meander geometric factors (meander length, meander curvature, arc angle, channel width, etc. ). Results and Discussion: The bank full flow rates were estimated using the length of the meander at 44 certain sections in the Karkheh River. results show that in the sections with the increasing meander lengths, flow rate will also be increased. In other words, high flow rates have passed through the large meander arcs. In these 44 sections, the highest discharge belongs to arch 41 with 2521 meters length (the longest arch) and 342.9 CMS flow. the distance of this arch from paypol station is 102.777 km. Also the lowest discharge belongs to arch 7 with 600 meters length (the shortest arch) and 25.88 CMS flow. the distance of arch 7 from paypol station is 15.6 km Conclusion: In overall, computed LFH indices show low flood potential in the Meandering Karkheh River Reach. This result is justified due to drainage density and total lengths of waterways per unit area in the Karkheh river basin. the values of LFH in 18 sections are negative that indicates low flood potential. In contrast, the same values are positive in 26 sections with high flood potential.
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