Mystical Themes in the Novel "Chahe Babel" by Reza Ghasemi
Subject Areas :hosein ahadi 1 , بیژن ظهیری ناو 2 , hosein novin 3
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2 - استاد گروه آموزشی زبان و ادبیات فارسی، دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی، اردبیل، ایران. نویسنده مسئول
3 - دانشیار گروه آموزشی زبان و ادبیات فارسی، دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی، اردبیل، ایران.
Keywords: Reza Ghasemi, Chahe Babel, mystical principles, identity crisis, spirituality.,
Abstract :
In this article, the investigation and analysis of mystical themes in the novel "Chahe Babel" by Reza Ghasemi has been done. The library research method is written analytically and descriptively. The importance and necessity of conducting research was the significant frequency of mystical themes in the novel. In this regard, the most important mystical themes used in the novel, such as the need for peace in the busy modern life, the feeling of homelessness, angels, meditation, self-knowledge, trying to ascend from the world, the past world, the sanctity of the number seven, love and its types were investigated. The results of the research showed that Ghasemi created characters in the novel" Chahe Babel" who turned to mysticism and spirituality due to an identity crisis and fatigue from everyday life. These characters think of themselves as statues with cut wings and trapped in a world full of boredom. They wish to ascend to the sky of truth has ignited in their being. In general, Reza Ghasemi adapted the story of "Harut and Marut" and created a story whose characters, like Harut and Marut, have sinned in the world and deserve to fall into a world whose pleasures are fleeting and whose pain and sorrows are fatal and tend towards mysticism and ascension from the world. It is seen in all aspects of their lives.
منابع و مآخذ
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