Performance Evaluation and Behavior Evaluation of Pitting Stabilization System by Strand Containment Method
Subject Areas : محاسبات نرم در علوم مهندسی
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Keywords: Deep excavation, strand containment system, deformation calculation, monitoring, PLAXIS.,
Abstract :
In recent years,due to the increase in the economic value of land,the increase in population and the provision of parking spaces for spaces,deep excavations in urban areas and in cases such as public transportation systems,the construction of huge and multi-story structures have become widely used.Such excavations can have destructive effects on the performance of the surrounding structures bycausing undesirable deformations in the surrounding environment.Also, due to the implementation problems during the implementation of the pit stabilization system and theforced changes of the initial plan in somepit positions,it is necessary to estimate the effect of pitting operations on the surrounding lands.In this study,the study and investigation of a deep pit in Kerman province with a depth of 17 meters that was carried out in loose sand layered soil using a strand containment system and due to the existence of canals and cavities in some sides of the pit, the complete implementation of some strands in the predicted positions was not possible.The deformation of one of the pit walls was analyzed in PLAXIS 2D software in the initial design mode and in the absence of a number of strands of the initial design that were sometimes out of the design positions or underwent a change in length during implementation. The deformations obtained from numerical analyses were compared with the values obtained from accurate mapping observations.The results indicate that the reliability of the pit stabilization system, in conditions such as construction,is at an acceptable level
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