The effect of promoting media literacy on strengthening the family foundation
Subject Areas : social psychology
عبدالله پیروزی
marjan askaribabadi
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2 - Marjan Asgari Babadi, PhD Student, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
Keywords: media, media literacy, family foundation, education,
Abstract :
In the 20th century, with the emergence and expansion of the technological
revolution, the world entered a stage that faced fundamental and far-reaching changes in the social, political, cultural and family spheres in different societies. Although these developments have been constructive and positive, but there have also been losses, one of the most important of which is the loss of the foundation and consolidation of the family. Technology can be both positive and harmful, in such a way that technology raises the level of awareness of families, and in some cases, it has become a factor in the formation of abnormalities within the family, so that some They have considered the media as the main cause of the destruction of the family. Because the family is the most important institution of the society and it is one of the most central topics of the program makers in the national media and the media plays a very important role in influencing the family, therefore having the necessary skills and information in the field of using media messages and technology. can make people's use of media more dynamic, effective and enjoyable. This research, with an analytical approach, examines the effect of media literacy on the stability and consolidation of the family foundation. The main goal is to determine how increasing media literacy in family members can help improve family relationships, reduce conflicts, and ultimately strengthen the family foundation. In order to increase media literacy, it is necessary to start education from a young age and in school, so that by strengthening the critical thinking of children and teenagers, families are protected from the negative effects of commercial advertisements, media violence, and false and fake information that is published in cyberspace stay.
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