Spiritual Components of Civilization with the Approach of “Monotheism in Actions” in the Qur’an with Emphasis on Surah Sabá
Subject Areas : -
Hadi Bayati
Abdol Mehdi Feyzi Dizabadi
1 - Assistant Professor of History, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran (corresponding author).
2 - Ph.D. in Islamic History, Culture, and Civilization Teaching, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Surah Sabá, Monotheism in Actions, Components and Factors of Civilization.,
Abstract :
Given that human societies have been pursuing civilization in the sense of interpersonal behavior between humans and nature in their societies for centuries, but in the course of civilizational development and despite the accumulation of experiences and sciences, they have never been able to achieve it completely and flawlessly, and this indicates the shortcomings and gaps in those accumulations. This research aims to address the above issue with a descriptive-analytical method, relying on the semantics and structural interpretation of the verses and the author-centered hermeneutic approach, and to answer the main question: what are the spiritual components of civilization with respect to Surah Sabá? The results of the research indicate that Islam, with the approach of monotheism in actions with respect to Surah Sabá, completes the secular civilizational component and drivers and also strives to introduce some components. The fact that Islam is ahead of the West in expressing civilizational components is an expression of its position and applicability in the civilizational sphere of society. To the extent that the worldview of the Monotheism in Actions grows in society, considering its effects, society will witness the dynamism and movement of civilization-building.
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