Evaluating The Spatial Quality Of Traditional And Contemporary Markets From Users’ Perspective With A Socio-Cultural Approach (Case Study: Traditional Bazaar And Iran Mall, Tehran)
Subject Areas : Social EvolutionsElmira Saaveh 1 , Mohammadreza Pakdel Fard 2 , Hasan Sattari Sarbangholi 3
1 - Ph.D. Student In Architecture, Architecture Department, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor Of Architecture & Urban Planning Department, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor Of Architecture & Urban Planning Department, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
Keywords: Spatial Quality, User Perceptions, Socio-Cultural, Traditional Bazaar, And Iran Mall, Tehran.,
Abstract :
Spatial quality reflects the physical compatibility of people with their environment, their emotions and perceptions of space, and ultimately their satisfaction with different dimensions of the space. Considering the impact of spatial quality on emotions, as well as the functional desirability and vitality of space from a socio-cultural perspective, this research evaluates the spatial quality of Tehran's traditional bazaar and Iran Mall based on user perceptions. The research method is mixed (qualitative-quantitative), with an applied approach and a descriptive-analytical nature. For data analysis, the qualitative matrix "PPS", and structural equation modeling using "AMOS", software were employed. The findings show that in the traditional bazaar of Tehran, the highest feasibility among the factors explaining spatial quality is associated with sense and attachment to space (0.83), visual connectivity (0.79), inclusiveness (0.74), aesthetics (0.72), and attractiveness (0.68). In Iran Mall, the highest feasibility is linked to security (0.74), permeability and accessibility (0.72), functional diversity (0.69), mixed-use development (0.63), and inclusiveness (0/68). Specifically, the model results indicate that the critical value for all major variables in Tehran's traditional bazaar is significant at the 95% confidence level. In Iran Mall, only the use and activity variable has a critical value above 1.96, while three other variables—comfort and image quality, accessibility and connectivity, and sociability—are not in a favorable state.
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