Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with almond trees in Sirjan city
Subject Areas :
Mahdieh Rostami
Farahnaz Jahanshahi Afshar
1 -
2 - Department of Plant Nematology, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Keywords: Amirabad, Nuts, Molecular identification, Root lesion, needle and ring nematodes. ,
Abstract :
One of the nutritious and beneficial nuts for human health is almond, which has high economic importance in agriculture. Plant-parasitic nematodes (PPNs) are directly and indirectly one of the major causes in reducing the yield of agricultural products, especially fruit trees in the world. In this study, in order to investigate the infection of almond orchards to parasitic nematodes in Sirjan city, some soil samples were collected from rhizosphere of almond trees from different regions in this city. The nematodes were extracted from the soil samples using two methods, centrifugal flotation-sieving and tray technique, fixed and transferred to the anhydrous glycerin. After preparing permanent slides, the nematodes were studied using a light microscopy and species identification was performed according to morphological and morphometric characteristics data in relevant valid references. In total, four important PPNs species were identified as bellow: Criconema mutabile, Pratylenchus thornei, Zygotylenchus guevarai and Longidorus africanus. Due to the importance of agriculture in the region, occurrence of important PPNs such as needle nematode (Longidorus), root lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus and Zygotylenchus) and ring nematode (Criconema), it is necessary to monitor their population density in the studied gardens. In addition, the identified species belong to the most important genera of the plant-parasitic nematodes which indicates the possibility of their damage and requires appropriate control proceedings to prevent its further spread. Among the identified species, in order to confirm the traditional identification of Zygotylenchus guevarai, this species was molecularly studied using D2-D3 extension fragments of 28S rDNA. The obtained sequence of the species (recovered from a soil sample in Amirabad, Sirjan city) was 100% identical to the sequences of the other populations of Z. guevarai in the GenBank database.
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