Conceptual Exploration of "Mahbat al-Wahy": A Conceptual and Comparative Study in Islamic Textology
Keywords: Revelation, Mahbat al-Wahy, Quran, Prophet Muhammad, Conceptual Analysis, Textology,
Abstract :
The concept of "Mahbat al-Wahy" (the place of divine revelation) has been explored within the historical, mystical, and philosophical contexts of Islam. In Islam, revelation (Wahy) refers to divine communication with prophets, intended to guide humanity. Linguistically, "Mahbat al-Wahy" signifies the place where revelation descends. In Islamic terminology, it encompasses locations and figures such as the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the cities of Mecca and Medina, and the Cave of Hira. This concept has been extensively analyzed across various Islamic disciplines, including Quranic exegesis, historiography, philosophy, and mysticism.
In Quranic interpretations, revelation is emphasized as a tool for guiding humanity and transforming the pre-Islamic ignorant society into an Islamic one. Historically, the sites where revelations descended have played pivotal roles in the formation of Islamic civilization. Philosophically, "Mahbat al-Wahy" transcends physical spaces, pointing to the Prophet's spiritual capacity to receive divine truth. In Islamic mysticism, the Prophet's heart is regarded as the primary "Mahbat al-Wahy."
This comparative study reveals that "Mahbat al-Wahy" is not only associated with geographic locations but also deeply connected to the spiritual and existential dimensions of revelation. It plays a crucial role in explaining the concept of revelation in Islam from various perspectives. The present research adopts a library-based approach and employs descriptive-analytical methods for its examination.
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