The Psychological and Cultural Underpinnings of Under-Veiling Inclination among Women
Subject Areas : Psychology
Mostafa Arabpour
Hamid Rafii Honar
1 - PhD Student, Department of Psychology, Behavioral Sciences Research Center, Hawzah and University Research Institute, Qom, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Moral Education, Ethics and Spirituality Sciences Research Center, Islamic Science and Culture Academy,Qom, Iran
Keywords: Psychological underpinnings, Cultural underpinnings, Women under-veiling,
Abstract :
This research intended to survey the psychological and cultural underpinnings of under-veiling inclination among women. The statistical population encompassed the all Isfahan province females. The sampling procedure was processed as purposive sampling with 27 participants via semi- structured interview. The research method was designed as a mixed of sequential exploratory one. To collect data a semi-structured interview protocol was developed based on the findings obtained by identifying several psychological and cultural underpinnings associated with under-veiling during reviewing the existing research on loose-veiling. To analyze the data quantitative-qualitative approach was implemented. The results indicated that 242 primary codes were obtained. One hundred eighty-seven basic themes were resulted by combining the primary codes. Then 13 organizing themes were formed through summarization of the basic themes on the next step. Finally, three basic categories were identified as inclination antecedent, action antecedent and attitude antecedent. The inclination antecedent embraced masculine identity orientation, fashion consciousness, variety seeking, desire for freedom, low self-esteem, and feelings and complex of inferiority. Action antecedent included life crises, lifestyle, and circumstances influence. The attitude antecedents enfolded maladaptive beliefs, lack of awareness of the philosophy of clothing, and weak religious knowledge. In general, antecedents are the basis for the creation of causal mechanisms that according to each antecedent, a separate mechanism is functioning in the individual. The most important part of shaping the consequences of mal-veiling in women are the mechanisms. It should be mentioned that religion provides the psychological and cultural background as the main factor determining the nuclear and causal mechanisms and plays an important role in explaining and correcting the attitude antecedents.
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