The Impact of Environmental Reporting on Adverse Risk of Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange
Subject Areas : Financial Management
حمیدرضا محمدی
Amirhossein Taebi Noghondari
1 - PhD Student, Accounting Department, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Kerman, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: Environmental Reporting, Risk, Adverse Risk, Tehran Stock Exchange. ,
Abstract :
In the early 1980s, sustainability shifted its focus from social reporting to environmental reporting. This was due to the growth of environmental challenges and the challenges companies face, such as pollution, land degradation, and oil spills. As stakeholders became more aware of the impact of companies on the environment, some companies began to disclose environmental issues in their annual reports. Voluntary reporting of environmental issues in annual reports allows companies to disclose desirable information about their environmental activities. Companies seek to use environmental reporting to disclose information related to their contribution to value creation and the achievement of sustainable development goals. This study aims to examine the impact of environmental reporting on the adverse risk of companies on the stock exchange. For this purpose, the environmental disclosure information of 120 companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange during 2019-2023 was examined using panel data analysis, and then regression and correlation analysis were used to test the hypothesis. The results showed that the more environmental reporting, the more adverse risk will be significantly reduced. In other words, there is a negative and significant relationship between environmental reporting and adverse risk.
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