Semantic analysis of "soul" in the Holy Quran and its comparison with the concept of "psyche"
Keywords: soul, psyche, soul, semantics, conceptualization,
Abstract :
Self is one of the most frequent and central words in the Qur'an, on which the understanding of many verses of the Qur'an and issues of anthropology is based. The soul had various meanings before Islam, and after the revelation of the Qur'an, the meaning of many derivatives of the soul and the soul itself underwent changes. After the separation of the field of psychology from philosophy and closer to experimental sciences, the word "Psyche" in Persian meaning "psyche" moved away from the meaning of "soul" and came closer to the meaning of "mind". Despite all this, the mind considered by psychologists has been reduced to a hypothetical and materialistic concept, while the mind mentioned in the verses of the Qur'an is considered to be merely a faculty of the hierarchy of the faculties of the soul. Also, based on the summation of all the verses, it can be argued that "soul" is also different from "spirit" because it is not possible to attach an immaterial thing to a material thing, and some verses have also mentioned the soul as the last creation. In distinguishing "soul" as an existential truth that is considered as the dimension of reason in man, with the soul, which is considered to be the essence of life in man, "soul" should be considered as distinct from the rank of "soul" from the point of view of concept and existential truth. At the same time, there is no doubt about the consistency of both of them. But in terms of comparing the concept of the soul with the concept of the psyche in the science of psychology, we can only consider both concepts common to the concept of "mind", which of course is considered a level of the powers of the soul according to the Qur'an, but its place in the science of psychology is still It is ambiguous and based on empirical bases, it cannot be imagined as a true existence, and empiricists reduce the mind to only a kind of feeling in the individual, which is the result of the physico-chemical interactions of the brain, and for this reason, these two concepts should not be completely synonymous. and found it appropriate.
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