Investigation and simulation of hydrodynamic coefficients of soil in the area of the right bank of the Surgical River
Subject Areas : Sustainable production technologiesFahimeh Sayadi Shahraki 1 , Ali Sheini Dashtgol 2 , Atefeh Sayadi shahraki 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Researcher of Khuzestan Sugarcane Research and Training Institute, Khuzestan Sugarcane Research and Training Institute
3 - Researcher, Soil and Water Research Department, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Shahrekord, Iran
Keywords: Hydraulic conductivity, Porsche, Ernest, Artificial Neural Network.,
Abstract :
The aim of the hydraulic conductivity above the water table wells with reverse and well below the water table with ernst, the right bank irrigation and land drainage Ramshir, this study was conducted. Studies also show that the hydraulic conductivity in the study area within the factor 0.53-2.52 m/day varies. Much difference in the two approaches to ernst & Porsche measurements taken there. Hydraulic conductivity in terms of the size of these two methods are comparable. Based on the results of tests to determine the hydraulic conductivity above the water table and the water table methods Reverse the wells and wells ernst, 83% of measurements average of %17 of the class Per class they were actually fairly quick. On the other hand, the depth of the layer with low permeability, studies show that %45.3 of the wells in the deep layer of 250-300 cm, in 37.7 % of the wells at depths greater than 300 cm , in 11.3% wells at a depth of 200-250 cm and a 5.7 % of the wells at a depth of 150-200 cm is located, thus limiting layer at an average depth of about 250 cm and located in the area of gender restrictive layer is made of marl in the clay and limestone and lime combine to make soil pores become blocked and this will decrease the permeability of the soil
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