Developing a Sociological Capacity Model for Iran’s Sports Diplomacy: A Sustainable Development Approach
Homan Firouzy
PhD student, Department of International Relations, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
mahnaz goodarzi
Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
Elham Moshkelgosha
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Sport Sciences Islamic Azad University Mobarakeh Branch, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Sports diplomacy, Sustainable development, Sociological capacity, Public participation,
Abstract :
Objective: The research aims to develop a sociological capacity model for Iran’s sports diplomacy in alignment with sustainable development goals. This study identifies and categorizes key capacities that can enhance Iran's position and contribute to its socio-economic and environmental growth.
Methodology: The study utilized a structured Delphi method involving 60 experts in sports sociology, diplomacy, and sustainable development. Through three rounds of qualitative and quantitative evaluations, the main capacities were analyzed, verified, and categorized into social, economic, and environmental dimensions.
Results: Eight main capacities were identified, including public participation, cultural exchange, social justice, national solidarity, environmental education, and sustainable tourism. The findings highlight that capacities like "national solidarity" and "sustainable tourism" have the highest potential for achieving sustainable development in Iran.
Conclusion: Implementing a balanced approach between social and strategic capacities can significantly enhance Iran’s sports diplomacy impact on sustainable development. The study suggests integrating these capacities into national policies to maximize their influence on international relations, social cohesion, and environmental sustainability.
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