Investigating the Relationship between Oil Price Changes, Bank Credits and Health Sector Development: A Case Study of Selected Oil Exporting Countries
Subject Areas : -Health economy
Ali hamid Shati ghariri
hosein sharifi renani
Munaf Marza Neama Radi
sara ghobadi
1 - PhD student in economics, Department of Economics, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Economics, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Al-Diwaniyah, Iraq ,
4 - Assistant Professor of Economics, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Oil Price, Bank Loans, Health Sector, Selected Oil Exporting Countries.,
Abstract :
Introduction: Crude oil is one of the sources that provide the budget of oil exporting countries. In this regard, the changes and especially the decrease in the price of oil will directly put the financial affairs of the governments under a lot of pressure. Banking and its effectiveness from oil price changes can have an effect on the development of the healthcare sector. In this regard, the main goal of this research is to examine the relationship between oil price changes, bank credits and the development of the health and treatment sector in selected oil exporting countries.
Methods: For this purpose, the data of 12 OPEC member countries, including Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Venezuela, Libya, UAE, Algeria, Nigeria, Gabon, Guinea and Congo, have been used during the period from 2003 to 2023. The data analysis method is based on dynamic panel regression method (GMM).
Results: The findings of the research show that changes in oil prices lead to a decrease in investment in the healthcare sector and reduce the development of this sector. In addition, it was observed that changes in oil prices through the mechanism of reducing the amount of bank loans have also led to further weakening of the development of the healthcare sector in the countries under review.
Conclusion: Based on this, it is concluded that the direct effects of oil price changes and the indirect effects of reducing the volume of bank loans should be considered in the investigation of the factors affecting the development of the health and treatment sector in oil exporting countries.
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