Recycling of Sludge Waste and Preparation of Compost from the Treatment System of Edible Oil Factory (Case study, Rudbar Ganjeh Factory)
Subject Areas : Environmental Sciences
Hossein Ramezani Ganjaei
Zohreh Ghazi Tabatabaei
1 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Ahar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahar, Iran
2 -
Keywords: Sludge waste management, Compost, Aerobic, C/N ratio.,
Abstract :
Production of compost from the sludge wastes of oil refineries, due to the presence of significant amounts of organic load in the sludge, can be a suitable method for recycling and management of sludge wastes. In this research, the ability to convert the waste of Ganjeh Rudbar factory to compost in aerobic conditions and return the surface of the mass was investigated. The sludge deposited in factory-treated wastewater was mixed with 30% wheat straw in layers to volume the waste and it adjust the carbon to nitrogen ratio. The mixture was stirred several times to homogenize. A mass with dimensions of 2 ⨯2 meters and a height of 1.5 meters was created. For aerobic process, the mass was returned every 4 days. The factors were monitored during the composting process for 91 days. During the composting process, changes in temperature, humidity, pH, EC and carbon to nitrogen ratio were monitored for 91 days and sampling was done once a week. Studies showed that the compost mass reached its highest temperature (57 °C) on the 14th day. The mass then began to cool, reaching a temperature of 23 ° C on the last day of monitoring. Humidity at the end of the study decreased from 65.8% to 29.3%. The carbon to nitrogen ratio decreased from 30.21 with a slight slope to 19.74 at the end of the study.The results of this study showed that the compost mass has successfully passed its heating period and the ratio of carbon to nitrogen in the final sample has reached its desired level, which indicates that the compost mass has matured.
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