Applying the principles of designing sponge greenways in the manage-ment of water resources in desert cities (Case study: Maddis of Isfahan)
Subject Areas :
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Urbanism, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: Sponge city, Sponge greenway, Urban design guidline, Maddies of Isfahan,
Abstract :
This article examines the principles of the "sponge city" concept, proposing it as a sustainable solution for water resource recovery, specifically through the application of its principles to revive one of the rare water management systems in Iranian cities: the Maddies of Isfahan. Desert cities in Iran, including Isfahan, are facing serious challenges such as water shortages, pollution, climate changes (including urban heat islands and atmospheric inversions), and prolonged droughts, all of which make urban and human life increasingly difficult. Adopting an approach to mitigate these problems and restore natural elements is essential. The Maddies of Isfahan serve to direct, drain, and store water, playing a crucial role in protecting underground water resources. The emerging concept of sponge cities-designed to absorb and retain rainwater-coupled with the development of urban greenways as natural pathways within cities, can enhance the role of these linear natural elements. This research employs an analytical-descriptive method, reviewing existing literature on sponge cities principles and greenway characteristics. By extracting the principles of both approaches and aligning them, this study explores their application in the restoration and regeneration of the Maddies in Isfahan.
The findings suggest that the concept of "spongy greenways" represents an innovative approach to revitalizing ancient water systems. Through design solutions and practical interventions, this approach can enhance environmental functions, social vitality, economic sustainability, and public health. These solutions fall into seven categories: shell design, spatial form and structure, materials and color, natural resource management, vegetation, functionality, and management and maintenance. Together, these strategies contribute in realizing the vision of sustainable urban water management.
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