Investigating the effect of financial risk on industrial exports and intra-group industrial exports of member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
Subject Areas :mehdi jahanbakhsh porjabari 1 , فرزاد کریمی 2 , mostafa rajabi 3
1 - Department of Economics, Faculty of Management and Economics, Dahaghan Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Management, Mobarakeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mobarakeh, Iran (Responsible Author)
3 - Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Khomeini Shahr Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: industrial export, OIC countries, financial risk, pseudo-Poissin maximum likelihood method,
Abstract :
Based on this, the main goal of this article is to evaluate the financial risk impact of bilateral industrial exports of OIC member countries in front of more than one hundred trading partners and also from the perspective of intra-group trade in these countries along with other traditional variables of the gravity model. This study examines the total and intragroup export patterns of this group of countries from the point of view of the gravity model and the pseudo-Poissian Maximum Likelihood method during the period from 2002 to 2021. The results show that the financial risk has affected the intragroup industrial export pattern of these countries. Financial risk, despite being statistically significant, has an opposite sign; That is, with the increase in financial risk, the flow of industrial trade is strengthened. Therefore, it seems that the industrial production companies of the OIC member countries should manage financial risks in expanding their export activities within the framework of regional cooperation. The variables of common border and gross domestic product of origin and destination countries with a positive sign and weighted distance with a negative sign and significant at the error level of one percent, the flow of exports of industrial This study suggests that member countries of the organization pay more attention to the role of financial risk in the formation of their industrial export patterns.
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