Designing and Validating of the Scale Virtuousness-Oriented Leadership in the Higher Education of Iran
Subject Areas :
Hamzhe ghotbedin
jafar jahani
rahmatollh marzooghi
mehdi mohammadi
ghasem salimi
1 - Deputy of Management Development and Resources, University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr. Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Administration and Educational Planning Department, Shiraz University
3 - Professor of Administration and Educational Planning Department, Shiraz University
4 - Associate Professor of Administration and Educational Planning Department, Shiraz University
5 - Assistant Professor of Administration and Educational Planning Department, Shiraz University
Received: 2020-02-05
Accepted : 2021-08-04
Published : 2021-10-23
"Higher Education",
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to design and validate a scale virtuous leadership in Iranian higher education. So far, extensive and wide Efforts have been made in this regard, however, to date, it seems there is no comprehensive and credible valid scale that can be used practically to guide faculty in professional practice. The research was descriptive-correlational study based on structural equations. The sample of the study consisted of faculty members of Shiraz University, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz and Persian Gulf University of Bushehr selected using multistage Random Sampling Method in a total of 370 samples. Data were collected using a Likert scale researcher-made questionnaire.This questionnaire was developed based on theoretical and research studies in 53 items with basic personal (personality, skill) and organizational factors. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 92/0 Was obtained. Face and content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts. Data were analyzed using SPSS and LISREL software. After factor analysis, the findings indicated that personality component had the highest factor load (0/892) and then skill (0/873) and organizational (0/776) component. According to the RMSEA index the model is well-fitted. The results showed that personality components include ethical, intellectual, social, intellectual and emotional factors, skill components including technical, human and perceptual, organizational components including planning, structure, decision making, communication and organizational culture. Virtual leaders are emphasized in higher education. The identified ethical components can be used in the process of selecting, appointing and evaluating the performance of higher education managers.
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