Religiosity Predicts Marital Satisfaction (Case study: female students of Payame Noor Gonbad Kavous University)
Subject Areas : Woman and Society
Gholamreza khoshfar
Fatemeh Bay
Alireza Ghorbani
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and social sciences, Faculty of Social and political sciences, University Of Golestan, Gorgan, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department Of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and physical Education, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department Of Humanites, Faculty of Social Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Religiosity, marital satisfaction, Female students,
Abstract :
This article was done with the aim of modeling the structural equations of religiosity and marital satisfaction. The statistical population included 400 married female students who were studying, 200 of whom were selected using Cochran's sample size estimation formula and by simple random sampling. The research method is descriptive and correlational. The research tool was religiosity questionnaires (Golzari, 1379) and Enrich marital satisfaction questionnaires (Olson and others, 1989). For data analysis, structural equation test was used using LISREL software. Findings: In the modeling of structural equations, marital satisfaction has a positive and significant relationship with religiosity, except for the three components of marriage, financial management, and leisure activities, which were defined due to the low significance value of the standard limit, () a significant relationship was observed. did not look The presented model has a good fit of the real world data, that is, in the whole structural equation model, the effect of the religiosity variable on the life satisfaction components of Piyam Noor Gonbadkavos students has been confirmed and has a significant fit. Result: The results show that in addition to fulfilling one's duties, which is more of an individual dimension of religion, the involvement of religion in decisions and choices, which is more of a social dimension, affects life satisfaction and makes it predictable.