The Paradigmatic Pattern of Women's Presence in Sports Stadiums According to Iran's Cultural Conditions
Subject Areas : Woman and Society
Nadia Nazari Sanqarabadi
Hassan Qasim Alipour
Majid Radfar
1 - Ph.D. Student of Sports Sociology, South Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University of Tehran, Iran
2 - Asistant Professor of Sports Management, South Tehran Branch, Tehran Islamic Azad University, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Counseling, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Mohaghegh Ardebily University, Ardebil, Iran
Keywords: Paradigm pattern, Stadium, Women's sports, Social cultural factors,
Abstract :
Introduction: The present research is the paradigmatic pattern of women's presence in sports stadiums according to the cultural conditions of Iran, which was conducted with a qualitative research method and using an approach based on the foundation's data theory. Research method: The present research was conducted using the purposeful sampling method by conducting 20 semi-structured interviews. Coding was used to analyze the interview data. The reliability of the interviews in this research is 87%. Considering that the reliability rate is more than 60%, the reliability of coding is confirmed. Also, 5 expert professors in the field of sports were given the ability to verify and transferability from the review method.
Methods: According to the results of the research, data analysis was done in three stages of open, central and selective coding, and the findings in the framework of the final model include: individual and legal factors as causal factors, infrastructural and planning factors as the background conditions are political factors as interfering factors and controlled presence as a suitable solution for normalizing the presence of women in sports stadiums
Findings: According to the results, it can be said that the presence of female spectators in sports stadiums is one of the ways of enriching leisure time and creating vitality among women, and this maximum presence together with the family can strengthen relationships. to be socially appropriate and on the other hand, it has a significant impact on various fields of holding competitions.
Conclusion: The findings suggest that women’s attendance at sports stadiums is a significant way to enrich their leisure time, enhance social vitality, and foster positive social relationships. This widespread presence, particularly in the family context, can contribute to improved social bonds and have a profound impact on various aspects of hosting sporting events, promoting cultural and social development in the community.
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