Analysis of the capabilities of the creative city of Isfahan for cultural tourism
Subject Areas :SEID ALI MOSAVI 1 , hasan beikmohammadi 2 , hossin sarami 3
1 - PhD student in Geography, Isfahan (Khorasgan) branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: Isfahan, City, culturalو tourism,
Abstract :
Today, the trend of tourism has changed from mass to individualistic patterns, and tourists give more priority to flexibility and meaningful business; Creative tourism is a new and important topic in the field of tourism and has a key role in the growth and development of tourism; Creative tourism is a type of tourism with full influence of the cultural spheres of a society; In this regard; The present article evaluates the capabilities of the creative city of Isfahan for cultural tourism; The research method of this research is descriptive; Documentary; Analytical and survey and its type is user-development; The information was collected in two forms: documentary and survey (questionnaire and interview); The statistical population of this study includes two separate groups; The first group includes foreign tourists in Isfahan, which in 1397 is about 360,000 people; The second group; Including experts; Experts and specialists in the tourism industry in different organizations and universities in Isfahan are calculated equal to 50 people and the resulting data are analyzed using factor analysis and one-sample t-test with SPSS software; Analytical results show; 66 primary variables of cultural tourism in this study; To three factors; Artistic charms; Cultural attractions, social and biological attractions, and the results of factor analysis and findings in the first and second hypotheses show a significant difference (Sig = 0.05) in the third hypothesis using second-order factor models in which a number of Of the hidden variables, measures another hidden variable; As a result, among the indicators of cultural tourism, the index of cultural attractions with a coefficient of 0.85 has the greatest effect on the development of tourism in Isfahan. . It is effective in the development of tourism in Isfahan; In the analysis and interpretation of indicators, it can be said that the number of free parameters for model development, the default value of which is ٣٦
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