Analysis of physical and social resilience of worn tissues urban (Study area: District 1, District 15 of Tehran)
Mohammad javad Khosravi
PhD student Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Iran
Alireza Estelaji
Professor, Department of Geography, Islamic Azad University, Imam Khomeini Memorial Branch, Rey, Iran
Saeed Piri
Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
Hamidreza Sabaghi
. Assistant Professor Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
Keywords: social resilience, Worn tissues, Physical Resilience, District 15 of Tehran,
Abstract :
deteriorated urban fabrics is a vulnerable area of the city against natural hazards that have high vulnerability and low resilience and require coordinated planning and intervention to organize. Failure to pay attention to these areas makes cities an unsafe place to live, and this causes social and physical anomalies and leads to irreparable damage to the city. Therefore, in recent years, special emphasis has been placed on the issue of resilience instead of vulnerability, and among these, one of the most important indicators in measuring the resilience of the local community is the social and physical components of the city. The aim of this study was to analyze the dimensions of social and physical resilience in District 1, Region 15 of Tehran Municipality. The research method is descriptive-analytical and applied in terms of purpose. One-sample t-test, Pearson correlation and regression coefficient were used to analyze the data in SPSS and Arc GIS software. The statistical population of the study was 230 citizens living in the neighborhoods of District 1, Region 15 of Tehran who were randomly selected. The results of the data in the present study showed that the physical dimension is in the first rank (3.31) and the social dimension is in the second rank of resilience (2.81). In the end, it can be concluded that urban resilience in District 1, Region 15 of Tehran is unstable and weak due to the dimensions of Physical form and social resilience. Therefore, this region has low Physical form and social resilience against natural disasters and hazards.