Recreating Strategy for Creative City’s Focusing on the Historical and Cultural Context of the city, with Use the TOPSIS Method (Case Study: Tabriz City)
Subject Areas :
Alireza Mohammadi Kouchehbagh
Ali Fathi
Hossein Nazmfar
Mohammadtagi Masoumi
1 - Ph.D. Student in urban planning, Department of urban planning, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, Azad University, Aedabil, Iran
3 - Professor of Geography and Urban Planning University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Iran.
4 - Associate Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, Azad University, Aedabil, Iran
Keywords: "TOPSIS", "Creative City", "Creative Planning", "Historical Context", "Tabriz",
Abstract :
Twenty-first-century cities are rapidly changing in shape and size. This transformation in the present century has accelerated urban growth without planning for the main element of the city, namely man. But have cities been able to adapt to this increase in population and meet the needs of the people living inside them? Today's cities in Iran are no exception to this rule, but more than other countries have sometimes been involved in this issue. Historically, creativity has always been the driving force of cities, and cities have survived in terms of creativity. A creative city is a place for the growth of people's creativity and open space for creative development and investment and the creation of creative urban growth in the context of peace and comfort for the future. The creative city seeks to remove deprecation from urban spaces that push people rapidly toward the abyss of urban decline. Therefore, creative planning seeks to identify and create creative urban spaces that lead to urban development. In this study, urban creativity indices based on Florida’s theory were analyzed by the SPSS method using 384 questionnaires designed based on the Likert method. To weight creativity indicators, the ANP network analysis model was used in Super Decision software and TOPSIS multi-criteria decision model was used to analyze the variables of urban creativity indicators.
Extended Abstract
The world today is increasingly urbanized and more than half of the world's population lives in cities. Accordingly, the city is now a place where new combinations of cultures and economies are emerging and developing. Therefore, the city is conceptualized using terms such as creative city and creative class, which express the importance of culture in the urban context. In modern approaches to the city, the creative city has been proposed as a strategic method in the field of thinking. The turning point of the third wave of urbanization is knowledge-based and creative cities. Cities and urban environments can be considered the best and most valuable technological, artistic, cultural, and social achievements of human beings over the centuries. Today, after the introduction of terms such as creative class, creative industries, and creative city by UNESCO, the approach of many cities has been towards creativity from urban planning to design and urban planning.The metropolis of Tabriz is no exception to this rule. The existence of cultural and educational places such as numerous universities, technology parks, research centers, industrial centers is very important in the field of economy and becoming the industrial hub of northwestern Iran. Finally, the existence of cultural, artistic, and tourist places such as the largest indoor market and historic houses with global and national registration has a great share in attracting foreign and domestic tourists. It may help to achieve economic prosperity and to become a creative city by attracting tourists and flourishing creative industries. According to the subject of the research, it is assumed that the historical-cultural region of Tabriz metropolis has the greatest ability to realize a creative city. Due to the importance of creativity in urban planning, this study seeks to find the answer to the following question.
What is the situation of the historical and cultural region of the eight metropolises of Tabriz in terms of creativity?
This research is practical in terms of the type of research and purpose and the conducted method is descriptive-analytical. To weight creativity indicators, the ANP network analysis model in Super Decision software and to analyze the studied variables, i.e. indicators related to urban creativity, multi-criteria, or multi-criteria TOPSIS decision model was used to prioritize areas. After designing the questionnaires, the data of the questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS software and the results are extracted.
Results and discussion
The hypothesis formulated in this research is that the historical and cultural region of the eight metropolises of Tabriz is the greatest ability to create a creative city. Analyzes performed using ANP and TOPSIS methods show that the historical and cultural region of the eight metropolises of Tabriz is in the first place. The score obtained for the eight cultural and historical regions of Tabriz in the view of Florida with the TOPSIS model is equal to CLI = 0.3133.Also, according to the analysis of the questionnaires, the eight metropolitan areas of Tabriz was ranked first among the ten districts of Tabriz.Therefore, with all the analyzes, it is clear that the historical and cultural area of Tabriz metropolis has the most ability to pay attention to the creative city among other areas of Tabriz.
According to previous research on the relationship between culture and creativity, which was mentioned in the research background, the results of this study also confirm that there is an effective and significant relationship between cultural factors in the city and the creativity of that city. The stronger the cultural factors (arts, cultural industries, performing arts, music and folklore literature, etc.) along with other indicators of creativity in a city, the urban area is the most urban creativity and the most prone area for creative planning.
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