Extraction and sensing, indicators healthy city in eight districts Ahwaz city
Subject Areas :
M. Mohammadi
A. Parvizian
M. Alizadeh
1 - Shahid chamranUniversity of Ahwaz
2 - Ahwaz University
3 - Ahvaz University
Keywords: Ahvaz, Healthy city, Sensing, Index,
Abstract :
Characteristic our Evening, urbanization, Cities population increase and consequently the development of small towns and big cities. This increase cities level and urbanization growth in recent decades, in many cities, with destruction of urban places and increase health inequalities, social and economic, on a large scale, has been among the residents. The main objective of this research is extraction and sensing indicators healthy city in eight districts Ahwaz city. It is studying this question which are most important indicators healthy city in eight districts Ahwaz city. Research method applied and research nature descriptive and analytical and is based on library studies and field surveys. Were collected information required in two stages through the study and exploitation of the resources available and the views of experts and university professors; finally, using the Delphi method was integrated. After extraction indicators were obtained indicators weight using Shannon entropy; then distances map Calculated by GIS software kriging interpolation method and tool. Finally, were analyzed with tool Fuzzy overlay with 0.9 gamma. Data analysis reveals among the research options Zone 1 with Weight 0.766 the most value of the dispersion index healthy City because the maximum population density, lowest mortality, cancer patients and ... there are. Then the areas 3, 7, 4, 2, 6, 8, 5, respectively with weights 0.569, 0494, 0.429, 0.351, 0.291, 0.274, 0.228 Assigned your next ranks.
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WHO, UN Habitat. (2010). Hidden Cities: unmasking and overcoming healthinequities in urban settings:p 8