Subject Areas :
Report of Health Care
Ladan Hosseni Abrishami
Seyed Mahmoud Hejazi
Amir Rashidlamir
Rambod khajei
1 - Department of physical education, Khorasan e Razavi Sience and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabour, Iran.
2 - Department of physical education, Neyshabour Branch, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabour, Iran.
3 - Department of physical education, Neyshabour Branch, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabour, Iran.
4 - Department of physical education, Neyshabour Branch, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabour, Iran.
Received: 2018-11-15
Accepted : 2019-05-31
Published : 2019-05-01
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