The of structural relationship model between dysfunctional attitudes and spiritual intelligence with corona anxiety through mediation role psychological hardiness
Subject Areas :
houshang garavand
Saeideh Sabzian
1 - Psychology Department, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran.
2 - Department of Counseling, School of Humanities, Hazrat-e Masoumeh University, Qom, Iran.
Received: 2022-02-05
Accepted : 2022-11-23
Published : 2022-07-23
Spiritual Intelligence,
Psychological Hardiness,
dysfunctional attitudes,
corona anxiety,
Abstract :
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to present a structural relationship model between dysfunctional attitudes and spiritual intelligence with corona anxiety through mediation role psychological hardiness.
Method: The research method was correlation of the type path analysis. The population of this study included all Undergraduate students Poldokhtar Higher Education Center who were studying in the academic year 2020-2021. The statistical sample size was determined based on the rules of thumb Kline equal to 210 people, which was done by available sampling method and online questionnaire. The instruments used in this study were Corona Disease Anxiety Scale (CDAS), Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (DAS), Integrated Spiritual Intelligence Scale (SISRI) and Lang and Goulet Hardiness Scale (LGHS). Data analysis was performed using Path analysis statistical method and by the SPSS-22, and AMOS-24 software.
Results: Findings showed that dysfunctional attitudes and psychological hardiness have a direct effect on corona anxiety (P<0/01); but spiritual intelligence had no direct effect on corona anxiety (p>0.05). Also, proposed model had an acceptable fitness to the data (X2/2= 1/22, AGFI=0/97, GFI=0/99, CFI=0/99, RMSEA=0/03) and indirect pathways of dysfunctional attitudes and spiritual intelligence were significant through mediating role of psychological hardiness on corona anxiety.
Conclusion: Dysfunctional attitudes were effective both directly and through psychological hardiness on corona anxiety; but spiritual intelligence could only reduce the anxiety of Corona through the mediation of psychological hardiness. It seems that paying attention to the presented model will be useful in the treatment program and counseling of students.
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