Investigating the Effectiveness of the Question and Answer Learning Model in Social Stud-ies course of grade fifth on Understanding Concepts and Critical Thinking of Students
Subject Areas : Tectonostratigraphy
saeid mahmoodi bardezardi
eskander fathiazar
firooz mahmoodi
rahim badri
1 - educato rizeh azad university
2 - professor
3 - professor
4 - professor
Keywords: critical thinking, question and answer model, understanding the concepts of social studies,
Abstract :
The present study aims to investigate the effectiveness of the question and answer model in social sciences course of grade 5 on understanding the concepts and critical thinking of students. This research is a combinational one composed of two parts. The first part is allocated to designing a question and answer model for social studies course and the second is model validation with the effectiveness of understanding concepts and critical thinking. In the qualitative section, the synthesis research method (compilation research) was used. In the quantitative section, the purpose of which was to influence the designed model on the understanding of the scientific concepts and critical thinking of the fifth grade elementary students, using a pilot project among the fifth grade students of Izeh city (50 male students) including two classes as sample selected randomly and then divided into two experimental and control groups. Understanding scientific concepts and critical thinking in both groups and in two stages of pre-test and post-test with Kernel's Critical Thinking Test Tool was used to measure critical thinking and to test the understanding of researcher-made scientific concepts for social studies course. Data were analyzed using covariance analysis. In the qualitative part of the research, the results led to the design of a model consisting of seven dimensions (fundamentals, principles, techniques and strategies, stages, types of questions, objectives, and evaluation), in the quantitative part, the results showed that the designed model improved critical thinking and Understanding the concepts in the experimental group
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