Evaluation Of Hydrological And Economic Effects Of Development Of New Irrigation Technologies In Drought Conditions: Integration Of WEAP And PMP Models
Subject Areas : Agricultural Economics ResearchAli Ghasemi 1 , Seyed Nematollah moosavi 2 , Bahaoddin Najafi 3
1 - 1. Ph.D. student of Agricultural Economics, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht Branch
2 - Associate Professor, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht Branch, Marvdasht, Iran
3 - Professor of Agricultural Economics Department, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht Branch, Marvdasht, Iran
Keywords: Hydrological-Economic Modeling, Drought, New Irrigation Technologies, Water Consumption Efficiency.,
Abstract :
Introduction: Policy makers are faced with complex and multidimensional conditions to choose and implement water resources management policies in order to adapt to drought. On the one hand, due to the multidimensional and multiscale nature of water resources and drought management, there is a need to integrate tools for impact analysis and adaptation. On the other hand, the development of new irrigation technologies at farm level is one of the solutions and policies that are always discussed by experts and policy makers in the field of water resources management. Therefore, in the present study, a hydrological-economic model was used in order to evaluate the potential effects of drought and to develop new irrigation technologies as a solution to adapt to drought in the Kowsar dam watershed.
Materials and Methods: In this framework, a hydrological water planning and evaluation model (WEAP) and a positive mathematical programming model (PMP) were combined with the ability to evaluate socio-economic, agricultural and hydrological systems in a spatial and explicit manner. The necessary data and information are also taken from documentary studies at the basin level.
Findings: The results of the study showed that by increasing the efficiency of water consumption in the agricultural sector, the reduction of water consumption occurs without reducing the economic efficiency and quality of life. In such a way that by improving the efficiency of water consumption by 30% under drought conditions, the economic efficiency of water consumption in the entire basin will increase by about 7% compared to the basic conditions.
Conclusion: In other words, the development of new irrigation technologies leads to the saving of farmers' water and encouraging them to cultivate high-yield crops with high water consumption, which will improve the farmers' economic situation. Therefore, by implementing policies to improve the efficiency of water consumption without applying punitive policies in the field of preventing the planting of crops with high water consumption such as rice, it is possible to reduce water consumption without economic damage to farmers.regarding the economic growth of neighbouring countries.
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