Comparative Investigation the Methods of Encouraging and Punishing Architectural Students in Design Studios in Physical and Virtual Learning Version; Instructor’s Viewpoint
Subject Areas : Architecture
Kimia Sadat Tabibzadeh
Seyed Mohsen Moosavi
Mohammad Parva
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Keywords: Encouragement, Punishment, Architectural Design, Physical training, Virtual training.,
Abstract :
Focusing on the methods of encouraging and punishing architectural design students, the current research has compared this topic in two methods of face-to-face and virtual education so that the results can be considered as a strategy used by professors in teaching architectural design courses. The present research has been done by comparative analogy method through content analysis with the help of library studies and survey in the form of analysis of available resources as well as interviews with fifteen instructors of architectural design who have more than ten years of teaching experience in this field Considering the analysis of interviews and their coding and comparing the ways of encouraging and punishing students in physical and virtual education of architectural design courses. The professors emphasized that, in general, the type of behavior, the type of speech, the nature of the lesson, the student's ability, physical condition, and mental condition are among the things that should be considered in encouraging and punishing students. Considering that corporal punishment is not correct and can also question the self-esteem of people, the teacher must consider the best way of punishment for wrongdoers according to the mentioned cases. On the other hand, it should be avoided to encourage a person in the class constantly or to encourage a specific person because of good behavior in the class, and encouragement and punishment should be done only because of academic issues.
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