A Study on Martin Heidegger's Phenomenology and Analysis of the Paradigms of "The Fundamental Question and the Thing" in Richard Serra's Meta-Forms and "Fourfold and Bridge" in the Embodied Architecture of Didier Faustino and Rolf Ramstad
Subject Areas : City architectMorteza Khaef 1 , mohamadsajad fathi 2
1 -
2 - Faculty of Architecture, Shahab Danesh University, Qom, Iran
Keywords: Martin Heidegger, Phenomenology, Contemporary Architecture, Fourfold, Bridge, Fundamental Question,
Abstract :
The initial focus of this article is the analysis and meaning-making of form, a process that has always been accompanied by questioning and inquiry. In Martin Heidegger's thought, questioning existence is an event that manifests both internally and externally. Existence, Heidegger's singular question, and the poetic hymn serve as a transitional gateway to the world of being – being and – Dasein. Meaning inherently occupies a metaphysical position for connecting the essence of form with thought and states of being. The question arises: How does a place come into being? In today's postmodern and post-structuralist language, can we speak of Heidegger's interconnectedness and its relation to contemporary works of architecture and art within this transmutation of art, body, and architecture? This research, which collects its documents through a library research method, first reviews Heidegger's "Being and Time" and then studies Martin Heidegger's phenomenology. The being-in-place in existence is analyzed with a phenomenological approach, focusing on objects – postmodern architectural and artistic works. The results bring the reader closer to understanding the phenomenology of the object through the formal expressions of Richard Serra's forms and the embodied form of Didier Faustino's "Stairway to Heaven" and Rolf Ramstad's "National Path
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