Analytical investigation of light and anti-light in Sana'i Hadiqa-Al-Haqiqa
ّّّFatemeh Modarresi
Teaching Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Urmia University, Iran
Rahim Koosheh Shabestari
Teaching Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Urmia University, Iran
Sara Azad
Urmia University
Keywords: Sana'I, Hadiqah al-Haqiqah, light, anti-light,
Abstract :
Light is one of the most beautiful wonders of the world of creation and one of the most controversial fundamental issues in Islamic philosophy and mysticism. Since the world of mysticism is the scene of the emergence of opposites; Paying attention to anti-light and its examples is also necessary to complete the mission of the seeker in union with absolute light. This research, using a descriptive-analytical method, has explained the Sana'i religious and enlightened ideas regarding the opposition of light and anti-light, in the Hadiqa al-Haqiqah Masnavi. according to this; The present article seeks to answer this question: which aspects of light's manifestation are the Sana'i arguments and interpretations of light mostly focused on, and how can obstacles and opposites of light be recognized in the path of the path? The research findings indicate that; Hakim Sana'i has had a complete knowledge of the topic of light, from the perspective of religion and mysticism, and in the shadow of sensory and abstract examples of light and its opposites, of guidance and awareness with the code of light; And he has mentioned the misguidance and neglect with the code of anti-light. He also; The Holy Prophet (PBUH), prophets and divine saints, Quran, heart and intellect have been introduced as important sources of obtaining light and considers the main source of their light to be the Holy Essence of God.
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