Localization of Enterprise Architecture model for Islamic Azad University
Subject Areas : Production Management
masume saraiy
omidali hosseinzade
asadalah khadivi
1 - Department of Educational Sciences. Faculty of Humanities. Azad University, Tabriz Branch.Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
3 - Al-Zahra Department, Farhangian University. Tabriz.Iran
Keywords: TogF framework, Enterprise Architecture Academic, Business Architecture, Technology Architecture and Information Systems Architecture,
Abstract :
Abstract:Increasing competitive advantage in universities requires the integration and coherence of processes and the optimal use of all hidden resources and assets, and ultimately the application of a comprehensive approach such as Enterprise Architecture. The aim of this study was to localize the Enterprise Architecturemodel for the university using the TOGF framework in a descriptive survey method, and to collect data in a mixed style (qualitative and quantitative) using the Delphi method with a sample size of 30 people and snowball sampling using the theory method. Background and Delphi data were collected using a researcher-made tool (Cronbach's alpha, 0.913) and for data analysis by synthesis research and open coding and for statistical analysis of structural equation modeling, SPSS 26 software, Smart PLS 3.2 was used. The results show that the localized Enterprise Architecture for the university has three key variables: business architecture, technology architecture and information systems architecture, and the overall good fit index of the model (SRMR) with the value 023 / 0 less than 0.08 indicates the suitability of the model.Keywords: TOGF Framework, Academic Enterprise Architecture Business Architecture, Technology Architecture, and Information Systems Architecture