Interview with the people of sustainable urban development in the face of consumption (Tabriz Studies)
Subject Areas : Development
Hadi Aghaei
mehrdad navabakhsh
سید علی هاشمیان فر
1 - PhD student, University of Economics and Development, Dahaqan Unit, Azad Islami University, Dahaqan, Iran
2 - professor azad university
3 - دانشیار گروه جامعه شناسی داشکده ادبیات وعلوم انسانی دانشگاه اصفهان
Keywords: Persons of development, urban sustainability, consumption,
Abstract :
Sustainable urban development models can take many different forms depending on history, region, culture, economy, region, environment and politics. The principles of sustainable development should be emphasized in terms of humanitarian goals as the main driver of urban development. It shows detailed development, which gradually expands from a single-dimensional to a multi-dimensional and integrated situation, both from the technical aspects and to the environmental aspects Money and humanity, the economy is also increasing. These characteristics are based on the balance sheet to achieve development goals and tools for the program. From this point of view, paying for the soft aspects of development in human interactions and quality of life and the quality of their lives in most important areas of social life can facilitate this order Economy in the area of sustainable urban development failed However, sustainable urban development can be directed towards human social life in society mud pida knd, In the present research, the results of the discovery and assessment of important social factors in relation to sustainable urban development are based on the influence of development actors on expenditure and existence Among the dimensions of individuals are urban sustainability and consumerism .
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