Strategic Development and Innovation in Business Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology
Subject Areas : information technology
1 - Senior Expert in Information Technology Management-Electronic Business-Islamic Azad University-Tehran North Branch
Keywords: Advanced technologies, Artificial intelligence, Blockchain, Innovation,
Abstract :
In an era where business transformations are occurring at an unprecedented pace, advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) are providing new capabilities to enhance commercial performance. These advancements are revolutionizing corporate interactions with customers and employees through information technology-based services. With the expanding use of AI, businesses must re-evaluate their current strategies and actively seek to discover new market opportunities. With increased focus on research in the field of commercial innovations, blockchain has been proposed as a solution for ensuring data security. This article introduces the AI and Blockchain-based Business Innovation Model (BI-AIBT) to strengthen business processes and ensure secure interactions among diverse customers. The model has been examined using qualitative empirical data from participants in two business sectors. BI-AIBT, by analyzing the impact of information technology usage on value creation, proposals, and business attraction, has demonstrated that blockchain can be effective in enhancing interactions between organizational capacities and employee skills. Experimental results of this model indicate that the transformation brought about by information technology is recognized as a significant element in bolstering business innovation strategies, and the BI-AIBT model enhances ratios of demand forecasting (97.1%), product quality (98.3%), business development (98.9%), customer behavior analysis (96.3%), and customer satisfaction (97.2%).
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