conceptual metaphor in throwing political irony; the irony of contradiction is a model in Ahmed Matar's poetry
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
ebrahim namdari
esmaeel eslami
askar babazadeh aghdam
vedad fakher
1 - Associate Professor of Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Ayatollah Borujerdi University, Borujerd, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Jiroft branch, Jiroft, Iran
3 - دانشیار زبان وادبیات عربی دانشگاه علوم ومعارف قرآن کریم
4 - Masters of Department of Arabic Language and Literature, payam noor university, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Ahmed Matar, metaphor, conceptual metaphor, irony of contradiction, political irony, politics ,
Abstract :
Ahmad Matar is one of the Iraqi poets whose poems have received a lot of attention from scholars in recent years. This poet has used various techniques to instill political concepts in the society. One of the techniques used in Ahmad Matar's poems is paradoxical humor. Conceptual metaphor is one of the most important epistemological achievements in the field of literature and lexical epistemology. According to this theory, most of our metaphorical thoughts and mental system are inherent. Because paradoxical humor is an abstract concept for criticizing domination and relates to abstract intellectual principles. This article tries to use the descriptive-analytical method of paradoxical humor in terms of using conceptual metaphor in inducing these concepts. During the application of the concepts of political humor as a means to convey meaning in the poems of Ahmad Matar. The results obtained in this article indicate that conceptual metaphor plays a role in inducing the concepts of political humor in Ahmad Matar's poems. He has used paradoxical concepts such as: contradiction between the title and the theme of the poem, contradiction between the theme and the end of the poem and humor in his poems. This study concluded that the poet Ahmed Matar contributed with his creativity to enriching Arab political literature with a sarcastic style of humor that embodied the Arab proverb, “The evil of calamity is what laughs,” directing his criticism to the political situation in the Arab country to express his position rejecting the ruling policy of oppression and injustice.
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