Conceptual metaphor approach of "love" in moral teachings Case study: Sadi's Sonnet
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبی
ali dalirdisefani
Ali Reza Shabanlu
Soheila Mousavi Sirjani
azita afrashii
1 - - Phd student Department of Persian Language and Literature, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Institute for Humanities and Cultural studies, Teran.Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Teran, Iran
4 - Associate Professor, Department of General Linguistics, Institute for Humanities and Cultural studies, Teran.Iran
Keywords: Morality, religion, love, conceptual metaphor, Sadi's Sonnet,
Abstract :
Cognitive linguistics deals with the connection between the mind and language and the physical-social experiences of humans and includes a set of ideas in the intellectual foundations of which conceptual metaphor is one of the most important. According to Lakoff and Johnson's theory of conceptual metaphor, conceptual metaphor means perceiving the objective concept of a phenomenon from the field of "origin" and transferring it to a mental concept in the field of "destination", and the elements and factors of connection between these two fields are called "mapping". Love is one of the most important feelings in human life, and the way of looking at love is one of the important topics in poetry and prose literature. Methods: This thesis is an analysis of the concept of "love" in Sadi’s sonnets with the approach of conceptual metaphor theory. This research is carried out with the descriptive-analytical method and according to the frequency of the word "love" in the context of Sa’di’s sonnets. Conclusion: The sub-mappings of conceptual metaphors of "love" in Sadi’s Sonnet are coherent. The structural nature of the conceptual metaphor of love in Sadi’s sonnets allows him to elaborate a concept in detail. The variety of metaphors in Sa’di sonnets makes us face Sadi’s organized mind in the analysis of the conceptual metaphor of "love".
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