Investigating the impact of investors' short-sightedness on managers' short-sightedness with emphasis on the role of moderator of the quality of financial reporting in companies admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange
Subject Areas :
1 - Senior expert in accounting department, Suleiman Mosque branch, Islamic Azad University, Suleiman Mosque, Iran
Keywords: Short-sightedness of investors, Short-sightedness of managers, Quality of financial reporting,
Abstract :
Short-sightedness is a description of a form of bias or tendency that creates a serious and important limitation to pay attention to options and suggestions in choosing and making decisions. In fact, short-sightedness means overestimating short-term earnings and underestimating long-term earnings by investors active in the market. In fact, in markets without efficiency, investors and decision-makers determine the value of the company only based on what happened in the past or what will happen in the near future, and they attach less importance to the potential capabilities of the company in the distant future. Considering the importance of the topic, this research has investigated the impact of investors' short-sightedness on managers' short-sightedness, emphasizing the moderating role of the quality of financial reporting in the Tehran Stock Exchange during the period 2015-2021, using the information of 125 selected companies. The results of the research hypotheses test showed that the short-sightedness of investors has increased the short-sightedness of managers and there is a positive and significant relationship between the short-sightedness of investors and the short-sightedness of managers, which is in accordance with financial-behavioral theories and neoclassical theory. that the behaviors and views of uninformed and short-term investors cause short-sightedness in their investment behavior. On the other hand, the results showed that the quality of financial reporting reduces the intensity of the positive relationship between short-sightedness of investors and short-sightedness of managers and causes the adjustment of the mentioned relationship. In other words, the increase in the quality of financial reporting leads to an increase in information transparency and a decrease in information asymmetry, and investors make decisions more accurately, and for this reason, the short-sighted behavior of investors decreases.
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