Application of meta-combination technique for agile business model in the environment of the fourth industrial revolution using business process management systems
Subject Areas : Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies
ghasem ebadi
Ahmad Reza kasraee
hoseyn adab
1 - Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: agile business, fourth industrial revolution, social development, business process management,
Abstract :
Today, one of the concerns of company managers is to create effective communication and strengthen group spirit in the organization. For this purpose, managers should increase the level of trust and compliance of people in the organization; this is possible through social development. The purpose of the research is to apply the meta-combination technique for the agile business model in the environment of the fourth industrial revolution in the direction of social development using business process management systems. Using a systematic and meta-combination approach, the researcher analyzed the results and findings of previous researchers and identified the effective factors by performing the 7 steps of the Sandelovski and Barroso method. Among 579 articles, 42 articles were selected based on the CASP method, and the validity of the analysis was confirmed with the Kappa coefficient value of 0.711. In this context, in order to measure reliability and quality control, the transcription method was used, and its value was identified for the indicators identified at the level of excellent agreement. The results of data analysis collected in MAXQDA software led to the identification of 76 primary codes in 13 categories in 5 concepts. Based on met combination technique, four categories of main factors including business efficiency, business integration, and business planning and business infrastructure were identified. 13 categories were also categorized based on these concepts. These 13 categories are: basic requirements, social development infrastructure, capabilities of the fourth industrial revolution, technological and technical needs, planning, identification of individual characteristics, regulatory factors, inter-organizational cooperation, environmental factors, policy making, improving business performance and Work, employee satisfaction and organizational growth and maturity. Agility is one of the basic and functional concepts in organizations and industries that operate in the current century; Organizations that are operating in a very active and dynamic environment and have social functions that lead to social development, if they do not respond to them quickly, they will undoubtedly remain out of the circle of activity and survival. Business agility helps businesses to improve their processes and adapt to reality in a more optimal way.
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