Nonlinear buckling analysis of different types of porous FG cylindrical sandwich shells
Subject Areas : Analytical and Numerical Methods in Mechanical Design
Mohsen Rahmani
Yones Mohammadi
Mahdi Abtahi
1 - Department of Mechanics,
Tuyserkan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tuyserkan, Iran
2 -
3 -
Keywords: Porosity, Temperature-dependent, FGM, Buckling, Boundary condition, Sandwich shell,
Abstract :
Based on a modified higher order sandwich shell theory, the buckling behaviours of cylindrical sandwich shells are investigated. Sandwiches consist of two functionally graded face-sheets and a homogenous core in type-I and two homogeneous face-sheets and a functionally graded core in type-II. Functionally graded materials are varied gradually across the thickness based on a power law rule which modified by considering the even and uneven porosity distributions. All materials are temperature dependent. Nonlinear Von-Karman strain, thermal stresses in all layers and in-plane strain and transverse flexibility of the core are considered to obtain the governing equations based on the minimum potential energy principle. A Galerkin method is used to solve in simply supported and clamped boundary conditions under an axial in-plane compressive load. The results of the present method are compared with some literatures to verify the procedure. Also, the effect of variation of temperature, some geometrical parameters and porosities on the critical load are studied.
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