The effect of membership in regional organizations on trade development and reducing the effect of sanctions A case study of Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationsseyyed nasroallahe hejazi 1 , aboalghasem shahriari 2 , fahimeh asgarabadi 3
1 - Department of Political Science, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran.
3 - Department of Political Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Keywords: Iran, Eurasian Economic Union, economic entanglement, sanctions, time series.,
Abstract :
Diversification of products and business partners are two ways to reduce the effect of sanctions,and the review ofthe 2018sanctions against Iran indicates that relying on oil-based products is the most important reason for Iran's vulnerability to sanctions,which has also led to the reduction of Iran's business partners.The development of export products andthe effort to create a multi-axis in business partners is an alternative theory of sanctions,which has been proposed under the title of economic entanglement.The Eurasian Economic Union is oneof the economic organizations that has the necessary potential to develop Iran's trade during the sanctions period.The purpose of the research is to investigate the effect of Iran's trade agreement with this union on the development of Iran's trade,which was done using the time series method.Has had a significant upward trend and the share of Iran's imports has been stable,and considering the major contribution of non-oil products in promoting Iran's exports to Eurasia,the importance ofthe trade agreement is confirmed. Considering the existence of a joint agreement between this union and other countries that were part of Iran's main partners before the sanctions were considered, the implementation of the permanent agreement between Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union will expand Iran's trade.
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