Identifying the Components of the Quality of Work Life Pattern with a Strategic Approach of Human Resources in the Administrative System of Mellat Bank
Subject Areas : Management and Sustanable Development
Vahid Mohammadi
Musa Rezvani Chaman Zamin
Badri Abbasi
Morteza Hazrati
Mehran Nasirzad
1 - Ph.D. Student, Department of Management, Astara Branch, Islamic Azad University, Astara, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Astara Branch, Islamic Azad University, Astara, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Management, Bandar Anzali Branch Islamic Azad University, Bandar Anzali, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Bandar Anzali Branch, Islamic Azad University,Bandar Anzali, Iran
5 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Astara Branch, Islamic Azad University, Astara, Iran
Keywords: Identification, Pattern, Quality of Work Life, Strategic Approach, Human Resources. ,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to identify the components of the quality of work life model with a strategic approach of human resources in the administrative system of Mellat Bank. The research method is mixed and qualitative-quantitative, which is practical in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of nature. The sample in the qualitative section was 20 academic and banking experts who were selected as a snowball method. The statistical population of the quantitative part was all the employees and experts of Mellat Bank all over the Iran, who were selected from a sample of 378 people using a simple stratified method using the Cochran formula. The data collection tool in the quantitative section included a researcher-made questionnaire, the total Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated as 0.84, which is higher than the base value of 0.70, and as a result, the measurement tool has adequate reliability. Data analysis was done in the qualitative part by the method of open and axial coding in MAXQDA software, and in the quantitative part, the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics methods using SPSS software. The results obtained from the codings showed that the components of the model of quality of work life with a strategic approach of human resources in the administrative system of Mellat Bank include 5 strategies in the form of a career development strategy and a career path (career path), job design strategy, job security strategy, and job satisfaction strategy. And the deployment strategy of operation and decision support systems has 20 subcomponents and 118 subcomponents.
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