The allegory and symbol of the old man in the story of thirty chickens and Simorgh from the logic of Al-Tir Attar
Subject Areas : Research Allegory in Persian Language and Literature
manije pooladi
امیرحسین همتی
ata radmanesh
1 - Manije pooladi, PH.D student of Persian literature, Humanities College, Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran
2 - مدیرگروه زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی شهرکرد
3 - Professor of Persian language and literature Islamic Azad University Najaf Abad, NajafAbad. Iran
Keywords: Pir, Siro Seluk, symbol and allegory, al-Tayr logic, Hodhod, Simorgh and Simorgh,
Abstract :
In mysticism, the manifestation of the divine spirit in the existence of a perfect human being is interpreted as love for the essence of truth. In mysticism, the human soul is in the process of being exalted and moving towards the truth. In the last stage of death, the perfect human being finds God-like truth like the thirty birds of Attar and the pilgrims in the mystical works. In mysticism, the most important criterion for a seeker's conduct is the presence of an old man with a self-possessed soul and a mentor. A father, a mentor or a sheikh in mysticism, with his insight, clarity and sharpness, invites seekers and people in general to refine the self,preserve character and morals. Attar Neishabouri,the great poet and mystic of the 6th and 7th centuries, has placed allegory as the basis and principle of his stories.In al-Tayr logic, he has presented the meanings and long mystical themes,including the old man's theorem, in the best way in the form of allegory and symbol. The importance of the presence of elders and guides in showing the way to the seeker creates the necessity of research on this issue.The purpose of this research is to explain the allegory and symbol of the old man with the descriptive-analytical method and library collection and to explain its guiding and instructive role and to find the aspects of knowledge, leadership and meaning in the character, in the story of Simorgh and Simorgh from Al-Tir logic. Attar, reveal and analyze.
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