The semantic structure of love in the poems of the Iraqi poet Yahya al-Samawi
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
hossein cheraghivash
saman khani
1 - department Arabic language and literature. Lorestan university
2 - university razi
Keywords: Keywords: Contemporary poetry, lyric poetry, love, Yahya Samavi,
Abstract :
Love is one of the important contents of poetry, and because it stems from human feelings, it is the factor of bonding between people. Although many words have been said about love, the talk is still open to lovers of this field. In the study of lyrical poems, we can obtain the unknown arenas of literature and literary and artistic innovations in the speech of adults.The study of love in Yahya Samawi's poems,in order to better understand and get to know the poet's romance, could be a new discussion in the field of lyrical literature. The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical, and the basis is in the sources, the poetry of the poet.Since the contemporary poet Yahya Samawi has a similar place in the culture of Iraq, he made love a prominent feature in his poems. This study attempts to know the element of love based on the views of this poet in content and style in the light of an analytical reading of his poems to reach his method of thinking and lyrical impregnation.The results of this research indicate that the poet's mistresses are the friendships of the homeland, the family of the Prophet (PBUH),the mother,and love for women.In the poet’s romances,we find the contents and characteristics such as separation,pride,drunkenness and ecstasy,continuity in love, the satisfaction of the lover and sharing with her and so on.Our poet chooses special methods to express his love and in terms of expression,the poet tends to simplicity and fluency
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