Analyzing Semantic Defamiliarization in Yusuf (A.S) Surah from Cognitive Linguistics Perspectives
Subject Areas :
Yaghob Sobhani
بهمن گرجیان
Hossein Matoori
1 - PhD Student of Linguistics, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Associate professor, Department of Linguistics, Abadan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abadan, Iran
3 - Assistant professor, Department of Linguistics, Khoramshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khoramshahr, Iran
Keywords: The Holy Quran, defamiliarization, Leach, Russian formalists, Yusuf (A.S) Surah,
Abstract :
Semantic defamiliarization is a literary art that indicates the deviation stance of real phenomena. This beautiful linguistic feature in language can create and lead to wonder. In this feature, the creator makes his work stand out by violating the common forms in standard language. Leech (1969) considers defamiliarization as a tool for creating beauty in a language inspired by Russian formalists. They believe that the concept of defamiliarization is a general entity and divide it into eight areas. The design of this study is based on descriptive research of content analysis that uncovers semantic defamiliarization in Yusuf (A.S) Surah based on Leech’s cognitive linguistic approach. Semantic defamiliarization includes four features: simile, allegory, metaphor, and metonymy. The frequency of occurrence of each feature of semantic deviance was counted in the verses of Yusuf (A.S) Surah to compare the importance of using defamiliarized words in the Surah. Results indicated that the frequency of allegory, metaphor, metonymy, and simile respectively. The results showed that the frequency of all types of semantic deviations in Surah Yusuf (A.S) Surah is 49 items. Irony and metaphor are the most frequently used tools in creating semantic deviations in the Surah. The application of cognitive linguistics in deciphering the meanings of the Holy Quran and identifying defamiliarization has given priority to the cognitive conceptualization of irony and metaphor. In other words, the Surah discourse is indirect to some extent and raises the readers’ cognitive abilities to comprehend the meanings of verses.
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